Beauties flood national beauty contest

Beauties flood national beauty contest

(VOVworld)- More than 1,000 crown hopefuls have registered for Miss Viet Nam 2016 – the biennial national beauty contest, creating a lot of work for the judging panel
Will Russia-NATO tensions ease?

Will Russia-NATO tensions ease?

(VOVworld) – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will meet with Russia after NATO’s summit ends on July 9 in Warsaw, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday. This...
For the people’ s legitimate rights

For the people’ s legitimate rights

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese government has announced the cause of the unusual mass fish deaths which occurred in the 4 central coastal provinces in April. A statement was delivered at a...
Government convenes meeting for June

Government convenes meeting for June

(VOVworld) – The government monthly meeting for June convened in Hanoi on Thursday. Cabinet members heard a report by the Ministry of Justice on the implementation of the government’s legislative...
Health insurance data system launched

Health insurance data system launched

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Ministry of Health and Social Insurance Corporation launched a health care data portal and an information system for health insurance appraisal at a conference held in Hanoi...