Symposium on Vietnamese banking, finance

Symposium on Vietnamese banking, finance

(VOVWORLD) - The 4th Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance (VSBF) opened in Hanoi on Thursday to discuss challenging issues in banking, finance, and macroeconomics
Bac Kan’s efforts to preserve Then singing

Bac Kan’s efforts to preserve Then singing

(VOVworld) - The “Then” singing of Vietnam’s Tay and Nung ethnic minority groups is of particular importance to people in the northeast region. Bac Kan, one of Vietnam’s cradles of...
US intelligence in a dilemma

US intelligence in a dilemma

(VOVworld) – Edward Snowden, a former CIA intelligence agent, has revealed to the media an Internet surveillance program called PRISM, which the US National Security Agency has operated for years. The move has...
Vietnam prioritizes ICT development

Vietnam prioritizes ICT development

(VOVworld) - Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has emphasized the importance of information and communication technology, explaining that ICT development is the easiest and quickest way for Vietnam to keep pace...