The Van Kieu preserve their stilt house

The Van Kieu preserve their stilt house

(VOVworld) – Many of the Van Kieu’s traditional values and customs including their stilt houses have been affected by modern life. The Quang Tri provincial Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism...
US special forces kill senior IS leader in Syria

US special forces kill senior IS leader in Syria

(VOVworld) - US Special Forces killed 32 Islamic State members, including 4 leaders, in a raid in Deir al-Zour province, eastern Syria, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR...
Islamic State shoots down Syrian aircraft

Islamic State shoots down Syrian aircraft

(VOVworld) - Militants of the Islamic State (IS) reportedly shot down a Syrian aircraft near a key military airport in southern Syria Friday with pro-IS Twitter accounts saying the group...
Syria enters fifth year of conflict

Syria enters fifth year of conflict

(VOVworld) – The Syrian conflict, which began as an uprising to protest the administration of President Bashar al-Assad, has entered its fifth year
Air strike hit IS-run oil refinery in Syria

Air strike hit IS-run oil refinery in Syria

(VOVworld) - A US-led coalition air strike in Syria hit an oil refinery run by Islamic State (IS) near the border with Turkey on Sunday, killing 30 people, according to Rami...
Bombings in Iraq, Syria kill dozens

Bombings in Iraq, Syria kill dozens

(VOVworld) – A suicide bombing targeting Shiite pilgrims north of Baghdad on Monday killed 17 people and put 35 others in critical condition. There hasn’t been claim of responsibility for...
Fight for Kobane heats up

Fight for Kobane heats up

(VOVworld) – A US-led coalition conducted 5 airstrikes on Kobane to help Kurdish forces control most of the town, said the coalition’s Central Command on Thursday
Syria: fierce battle in Aleppo

Syria: fierce battle in Aleppo

(VOVworld) – The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) located in the UK said that at least 21 people were killed and 50 were wounded in a rebel mortar attack on...