US-China relationship has differences

US-China relationship has differences

(VOVworld)- The US-Chinese relationship has suffered from recent disputes in the East Sea. With China conducting activities intended to change the status of islands in the East Sea, Washington...
Hien luong bridge- a span of reunification

Hien luong bridge- a span of reunification

(VOVworld)- During the war, Hien Luong bridge on Ben Hai river divided north and south Vietnam. Many Vietnamese people laid down their lives in there to fight for national independence...
South Africa: xenophobia hit Durban

South Africa: xenophobia hit Durban

(VOVworld) – Protests against foreign nationals turned violent Tuesday in South Africa's third-largest city, Durban, in KwaZulu-Natal province
Secret telegram decides victory

Secret telegram decides victory

(VOVworld)- In April, 1975, Commander in Chief of the Vietnam People’s Army General Vo Nguyen Giap sent an urgent telegram to the southern front urging forces to speed up the...
Young Hanoians conserve energy

Young Hanoians conserve energy

(VOVworld) – Each year Earth Hour carries a different message but always targets a green and clean planet and raises people’s awareness of energy conservation. This year’s Earth Hour themed...
Myanmar denies bombing inside China

Myanmar denies bombing inside China

(VOVworld)- A senior Myanmar official on Sunday denied Chinese accusations that one of its warplanes crossed China's border and dropped a bomb that killed four farmers during fighting with...