Young Hanoians conserve energy

Young Hanoians conserve energy

(VOVworld) – Each year Earth Hour carries a different message but always targets a green and clean planet and raises people’s awareness of energy conservation. This year’s Earth Hour themed...
Tet welcoming in the north and south

Tet welcoming in the north and south

(VOVworld) – Whenever Tet, Vietnam’s Lunar New Year holiday, comes, all happily welcome spring, a time of rebirth and renewal, with customs immemorial. Activities like shopping for Tet flowers, taking...
International art performance to welcome Tet

International art performance to welcome Tet

(VOVworld) - More than 100 professional and amateur performers from local art troupes, and foreign embassies and cultural centers joined the Welcome 2015 art performance on Friday in Hanoi
Hanoi, an elegant, civilized city

Hanoi, an elegant, civilized city

(VOVworld) – Hanoians’ elegance and civilized behavior are two of the fine cultural characteristics of Vietnam’s capital city. A project is underway to preserve and promote Hanoi’s culture in the...
Bridges in Hanoi

Bridges in Hanoi

(VOVworld) – Hanoi has become more modernized in recent years with an increasing number of bridges. The bridges- Long Bien (the oldest one), Thang Long, Chuong Duong, Thanh Tri, Vinh Tuy and Dong Tru ...
Hanoi city streets in the post-subsidy period

Hanoi city streets in the post-subsidy period

(VOV/VOVworld) -German photographer Reisen has traversed every nook and cranny of Hanoi to capture the daily life of Hanoians in the post-subsidy period. In addition to full-time work for...
Hanoi Opera House

Hanoi Opera House

(VOVworld) - Located in the heart of the capital city of Hanoi, Hanoi Opera House is only a prominent example of French architecture but also a venue that frequently hosts major events...
Hanoi Book Festival

Hanoi Book Festival

VOVworld)- A book festival entitled “Hanoi- a City for Peace” was held at the Thang Long Imperial Citadel Relic Site last week. Held in Hanoi for the first time, the...
Hanoi gates

Hanoi gates

(VOVworld) – Hanoi once had five gates which strongly embodied its historical developments. The beauty of these gates features in several songs about Hanoi
Red River enriches Hanoi’s culture

Red River enriches Hanoi’s culture

(VOVworld) – Hanoi is a city of rivers, of which the Red River is the biggest. For Hanoians, the Red River is not only a source of life, it is...
Hanoi’s West Lake

Hanoi’s West Lake

(VOVworld) – West Lake is one of Hanoi’s most beautiful sites. Its many historical and cultural relics reflect the development history of the capital city. West Lake is perhaps the...
Discovering Hanoi’s architecture

Discovering Hanoi’s architecture

(VOVworld) – A book called “The old ironworks” by painter researcher Tran Hau Yen The has breathed new life into the research of Hanoi’s architecture. It has won the 7th...