Đồng dao – children’s folk songs

Đồng dao – children’s folk songs

(VOVworld) - Đồng dao – children’s folk songs – are simple folk verses created long ago by unknown authors and passed orally from generation to generation. The lyrics are plain, often incoherent or illogical verses...
Ceremonial drums sound in Son Vi village

Ceremonial drums sound in Son Vi village

(VOVworld) - During the last days before the traditional lunar New Year, local people in Son Vi village in Lam Thao district, Phu Tho province are rehearsing their drumming to prepare for the...
Vietnam’s betel and areca culture honored

Vietnam’s betel and areca culture honored

(VOVworld) – The custom of chewing betel and areca nut is one of Vietnamese people's fine traditional cultural features in the past. Areca splitting knife, pots of slaked lime, cylindrical lime holders...
Eternal value of  August revolution

Eternal value of August revolution

(VOVworld) - 67 years ago, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Vietnamese people from north to south rose up for the August revolution to gain power and establish the first worker...
Phu Khe wood-carving village

Phu Khe wood-carving village

(VOVworld) Phu Khe village in the northern province of Bac Ninh has long been famous for traditional dragon patterns carved in wood. Such patterns have appeared in important architectural...