US President to visit Poland, Spain

US President to visit Poland, Spain

(VOVworld) - US President Barack Obama will visit Poland and Spain in July, in what will likely be his final trip to Europe, the White House announced on Tuesday
Turkey warns to postpone EU agreements

Turkey warns to postpone EU agreements

(VOVworld) - Turkey could suspend all of its agreements with the European Union, Yigit Bulut, chief economic adviser to the Turkish President, warned on Monday
Problems for EU-Turkey deal

Problems for EU-Turkey deal

(VOVworld) – Turkish Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu said he will resign after a meeting of the Justice and Development Party on May 22. His resignation will make implementing the EU-Turkey...
Europe intensifies anti tax avoidance measures

Europe intensifies anti tax avoidance measures

(VOVworld)- After the Panama Papers Scandal, countries around the world are intensifying the fight against tax avoidance. The European Commission recently adopted a series of measures, including requesting financial transparency...
France rules out military intervention in Libya

France rules out military intervention in Libya

(VOVworld) – On Friday French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault ruled out launching air strikes or sending ground troops to tackle Islamic State in Libya but said France can help secure...
Dutch referendum on EU-Ukraine deal

Dutch referendum on EU-Ukraine deal

(VOVworld) – The Dutch public went to the polls on Wednesday to decide whether to back a European treaty which seeks to strengthen ties with Ukraine
What to expect from the EU-Turkey migrant deal

What to expect from the EU-Turkey migrant deal

(VOVworld)- On April 4th, Greece began sending the migrants back to Turkey under an agreement reached between the European Union (EU) and Turkey last month aimed at stemming the influx of refugees...