More signs of tension in the Middle East

More signs of tension in the Middle East

(VOVworld) – Saudi Arabia’s mass execution of 47 people, including Shiite religious leader Nimr al-Nimr, on terrorism charges is facing strong international criticism and has ignited a wave of protests among...
Saudi Arabia to cut diplomatic ties with Iran

Saudi Arabia to cut diplomatic ties with Iran

(VOVworld) – Saudi Arabia says it will break off diplomatic ties with Iran because demonstrators stormed the Saudi embassy in Tehran to oppose the Saudi execution of Nimr Al Nimr,...
Iran, EU discuss IAEA draft resolution

Iran, EU discuss IAEA draft resolution

(VOVworld) – Iran’s news agency said on Sunday that Iranian and EU officials recently discussed a draft resolution by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to be submitted to the P5+1 countries – the US,...
Russian President to visit Iran in late November

Russian President to visit Iran in late November

(VOVworld) – Top Russian foreign policy advisor Yuri Ushakov said President Vladimir Putin will visit Iran to attend the Gas Exporting Countries Forum on November 23 and will hold talks with Iranian...
Iran not decide on next negotiations about Syria

Iran not decide on next negotiations about Syria

(VOVworld) - Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister, Hosssein Abdollahian, said Tehran has not decided on whether to participate in next rounds of international negotiations about Syrian issue, scheduled to take place this weekend in...
Iran’s President to visit Europe

Iran’s President to visit Europe

(VOVworld) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will be making state visits to Italy and France next week, becoming the first Iranian president to travel to Europe in a decade
Russia supports Iraqi Kurds With Baghdad Consent

Russia supports Iraqi Kurds With Baghdad Consent

(VOVworld) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday that Moscow provides military and technical assistance to Iraqi Kurds with the consent of Baghdad and exclusively through the Iraqi government