Violence reoccurs in Iraq

Violence reoccurs in Iraq

(VOVworld) – A series of bloody attacks in Iraq over the past 2 days killed 31 people and injured 13 others, bringing the number of casualties since the beginning of July...
Narrow path to peace in Syria

Narrow path to peace in Syria

(VOVworld) – An international peace conference will be held in Geneva next week at the initiative of Russia and the US to try to put an end to the prolonged crisis in...
NATO air strike kills police, civilians

NATO air strike kills police, civilians

According to Afghanistan authorities, four policemen and two civilians were killed in a NATO air raid on Wednesday targeting Taliban gunmen in Ghazni province
Algeria: 37 foreigners died in the kidnapping

Algeria: 37 foreigners died in the kidnapping

Algeria Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal has said 37 foreigners of eight nationalities and one Algerian worker were killed during the hostage crisis at a gas plant In Amenas, south of...
Algeria launches air strikes to free hostages

Algeria launches air strikes to free hostages

30 Algerians and 15 foreigners captured by Islamist extremists in Southeast Algeria have escaped, according to Algerian media on Thursday. The Algerian army has sent helicopters to attack the In...
France continues air strikes on Mali

France continues air strikes on Mali

France's air force launched fresh strikes against Islamist rebel group Ansar Dine in Mali this week. French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told reporters on Sunday that the raid...

15 reported killed in Nigeria

Gunmen suspected of belonging to a radical Islamist sect attacked a village in northeast Nigeria, tying up men, women and children before slitting their throats and killing at least 15, witnesses said...
Violence in Yemen

Violence in Yemen

Al-Qaeda gunmen killed two Yemeni senior officers in Sanaa on Tuesday, said Yemen’s interior ministry
New air strikes in Gaza Strip

New air strikes in Gaza Strip

Tensions remain high around the Gaza Strip after Palestinian armed forces fired rockets into Southern Israel triggering Israeli air strikes which killed 4 gunmen