Letter Box July 25, 2012

Letter Box July 25, 2012

A: Let’s start this week’s Letter Box with an email from a young Bulgarian listener Georgi Bancov. 16 year-old Georgi reported listening to our July 20 broadcast...
July 11th 2012

July 11th 2012

A: Another week has gone by and as usual, we’re happy to be with you on our Wednesday Letter Box to answer all the emails and letters received this...
June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012

Ratan Kumar Paul of West Bengal, India, emailed us and said he listened to our programs from 15-21st May at 1600-1630 UTC on the frequency of 7220 kHz. He wrote: “On...
March 21, 2012

March 21, 2012

For the first time in many years, we’ve heard from a listener in the United Arab Emirates. In a 5-page email dated March 15, Dr. Avinash Cheekoth wrote