Japan reshuffles cabinet

Japan reshuffles cabinet

(VOVworld) – Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to reshuffle his cabinet for the second time since he took office in December, 2012
Perfect Honeymoon & Wedding Exhibition

Perfect Honeymoon & Wedding Exhibition

(VOVworld) - What does a couple have to do before their wedding? Can they prepare for one of the biggest days of their life in just one day? Or one week? Or does it take one year? Oh...
Wednesday August 5, 2015

Wednesday August 5, 2015

(VOVworld) - Recently we’ve received more emails from listeners than post mails. But that doesn’t mean the number of letters from our loyal listeners is dwindling. We regularly receive letters from Yoshito Matsumoto, Masaru Sekimoto...


(VOVworld) - Young@Heart is an Oxfam global initiative in 16 countries aimed at empowering the youth, encouraging them to raise their voices, enabling space and favorable conditions for them to enhance their...
UK seeks opportunities in the East

UK seeks opportunities in the East

(VOVworld)- UK Prime Minister David Cameron is on a tour of Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. This is the Prime Minister’s first visit outside Europe since he was re-elected in...