Challenges facing the global fight against drugs

Challenges facing the global fight against drugs

(VOVworld)- The 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem, which ended on April 21, was held for the first time in 2 decades. UN officials and world leaders...
Forest plantation in Yen Bai

Forest plantation in Yen Bai

(VOVworld) – With trees planted over 15,000 hectares every year Yen Bai is one of the provinces with the largest forested areas in Vietnam. Forest plantation not only purifies...
Two magnificent cathedrals in Dalat

Two magnificent cathedrals in Dalat

(VOVworld) - In Vietnam, every church is different. In Da Lat, the St. Nicolas Cathedral, sometimes called the Rooster Church and Domaine de Maria Cathedral, with own unique architectural styles, are...
Panama Canal’s strategic importance

Panama Canal’s strategic importance

(VOVworld) – The Panama Canal, the vital waterway connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, is being upgraded and is scheduled to reopen on May 31. The canal has been an important...
US presidential campaign complicates TPP ratification

US presidential campaign complicates TPP ratification

(VOVworld) - Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders's notable victories in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday have complicated the path for US Congress to approve the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership ...
Wednesday January 20, 2016

Wednesday January 20, 2016

(VOVworld) - We’ve made a good start in 2016. We welcome new listener Koji Nakayama of Japan, who listened to us on January 4 and sent us a reception report
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A: This week, we continued received New Year greetings from our listeners around the world. Michael Brandlt of the US wrote: “Hello, my warm greetings to you all at the Voice of...