NA deputies discuss specific regulations on shooting

NA deputies discuss specific regulations on shooting

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly deputies on Monday continued to debate the draft law on managing and using weapons, ordnances, and other devices. They focused their discussion on who should be eligible to...
NA debates several revised draft laws

NA debates several revised draft laws

(VOvworld) – On Monday, the National Assembly listened to a report verifying the amendments to the bill on management and use of state assets, the bill on railways, and the law...
NA debates government reports

NA debates government reports

(VOVworld)- On Friday, National Assembly deputies discussed performance reports from the Chief Judge of the Supreme People’s Court, the Director of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, and government reports...
NA debate revised Penal Code 2015

NA debate revised Penal Code 2015

(VOVworld) – At a plenary session in Hanoi on Wednesday, the National Assembly discussed amendments and supplements to the 2015 Penal Code and listened to a report clarifying revisions
NA debates draft law on belief and religion

NA debates draft law on belief and religion

(VOVworld)- On Monday, National Assembly deputies discussed the draft law on belief and religion focusing on the freedom of belief and religion of those who are temporarily detained and imprisoned
NA discusses revised criminal code

NA discusses revised criminal code

(VOVworld) – The 2nd session of the 14th National Assembly on Friday heard and discussed a report on draft revisions to the 2015 Criminal Code. The deputies agreed that the amendments...