Heritage Photo winners chosen

Heritage Photo winners chosen

(VOVworld) - A photo collection featuring a festival in Vinh Phuc province by veteran photographer Pham Anh received the Special Award for Photo Collection – the highest prize of the Heritage Photo...
Family customs of the San Chi

Family customs of the San Chi

(VOVworld) – The San Chi of Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province, have strict family rules and hierarchy. Family members love and respect each other without discrimination of daughters- or sons...
Grave leaving ceremony of the Raglai

Grave leaving ceremony of the Raglai

(VOVworld) – Raglai people believe that there is a world for the living and another for the dead and only the world of the deceased is eternal. With such a belief,...
New rice ceremony of the Raglai

New rice ceremony of the Raglai

(VOVworld) – The Raglai people have several ceremonies relating to the life cycle of a man or a tree. The new rice ceremony is the biggest event of all. After harvesting and stockpiling rice...
Houses of the Giay

Houses of the Giay

(VOVworld) – Ta Van Giay, a hamlet of the Giay in Sapa township, Lao Cai province, is nestled in Muong Hoa valley. The Hoa, or Flower, Spring provides water for the whole...
First rites in the lifespan of the Tay people

First rites in the lifespan of the Tay people

(VOVworld) – The Tay people believe that during a person’s lifespan he must meet all his relatives in 4 ritual ceremonies: his 1st month ceremony as a newborn, his wedding, his housewarming...
Muong epic of land and water creation

Muong epic of land and water creation

(VOVworld) – The Muong have an epic about the history of their group since the creation of land and water. The epic is a lively and creative encyclopedia of Muong traditions
Religious rituals of the Muong

Religious rituals of the Muong

(VOVworld) – The Muong in Hoa Binh worship their ancestors and practice polytheism. Shamans are respected people who perform religious rituals for families and the community. The Muong consider shamans messengers...
Doi calendar of the Muong

Doi calendar of the Muong

(VOVworld) – The Doi calendar, which once was used by all Muong branches, is now used only by shamans of the Muong Bi in Tan Lac district, Hoa Binh province
“Maturity” ritual for boys of the Dao Khau

“Maturity” ritual for boys of the Dao Khau

(VOVworld) – “Cấp sắc” or “Quá tăng” meaning “maturity ritual”, is a typical cultural feature of the Dao people. They believe a man that has not passed a “cap sac” ritual can...
Devotional pictures of the Dao Lo Gang

Devotional pictures of the Dao Lo Gang

(VOVworld) – The Dao Lo Gang are one of the Dao branches practicing Taoism which worships many saints and genies. Taoism rituals include funerals, weddings, ceremonies to acknowledge a boy becoming a man, and...
Peace worshipping rituals of the Dao Thanh Y

Peace worshipping rituals of the Dao Thanh Y

(VOVworld) – The Dao Thanh Y organize a peace worshiping ceremony in each of the 4 seasons of the year. A ceremony consists of 13 rituals involving martial arts performances. On today’s “Colorful...