Nguyen Kings historical records displayed

Nguyen Kings historical records displayed

(VOVworld) - The wood blocks and official administrative papers Kings of the Nguyen Dynasty used to record history are on display for the first time at an exhibition in Hanoi
Love at the Warming House

Love at the Warming House

(VOVworld) – Nguyen Quoc Phong founded the Warming House, a school for children in Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, in 1999. The house has become a haven for visually...
Old books encourage reading habit

Old books encourage reading habit

(VOVworld) – The third annual old book festival has been held in Hanoi drawing number of readers and book collectors from across Vietnam. 12 publishing houses participated. Lan Anh reports
VOV and Vietnam’s history

VOV and Vietnam’s history

(VOVworld) – VOV contributed significantly to Vietnam’s past resistance against foreign invaders and is playing an important role in Vietnam’s current development and renewal. Over the past 70 years...
VOV former staff meet in HCM city

VOV former staff meet in HCM city

(VOVworld) – More than 300 VOV former staff including reporters, technicians, and announcers met in HCM city on Tuesday to mark VOV’s 70th anniversary
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A: First on our show today, we’d like to acknowledge letters from Abdukarim Ahmed Ali from Libya. This week, he sent us a batch of letters reporting listening to our...
70 years of the Voice of Vietnam

70 years of the Voice of Vietnam

(VOVworld) - The Voice of Vietnam marks its 70th anniversary on September, 7, 2015. Over the last 70 years, the Voice of Vietnam has contributed significantly to Vietnam’s revolution, resistance,...
Greece before EU's last-minute deal

Greece before EU's last-minute deal

(VOVworld) – June 30th is the deadline for Greece to pay its debt to the IMF. When the bailout program expires, no rule says Greece has to leave the Eurozone if it defaults...
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A: This week we received a postal entry to VOV’s contest “What do you know about Vietnam?” from SB Sharma of India. It is beautifully illustrated with photos that...
UNESCO-recognized heritages in Vietnam

UNESCO-recognized heritages in Vietnam

(VOVworld)- Vietnam has 17 UNESCO-recognized heritage sites, of which 2 are natural, 5 are cultural, and 1 is a combined cultural and natural heritage and the rest are...
Wednesday April 15, 2015

Wednesday April 15, 2015

Najimuddin, President of the International DX, Radio Listeners Club of India wrote: “We are pleased to hear about the competition: “What do you know about Vietnam?” This is a very big informative competition and...