Majority of Scottish voters want to stay in UK

Majority of Scottish voters want to stay in UK

(VOvworld) - One month after the UK's decision to leave the EU, the latest YouGov research in Scotland shows no real shift towards independence. The result shows that Scots would vote to remain in the UK post...
Enhancing ASEAN’s role at 49th AMM

Enhancing ASEAN’s role at 49th AMM

(VOVworld)- On Sunday, the 49th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM-49) under the theme “Turning Vision into Reality for a Dynamic ASEAN Community” opened in Vientiane, Laos
The fire culture of ethnic people

The fire culture of ethnic people

(VOVworld) – The kitchen plays an important role for every ethnic family in Vietnam. The cooking place is also a venue where rituals and other customs occur. Whenever a guest arrives,...
Germany, UK pledge closer relations

Germany, UK pledge closer relations

(VOVworld) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is in Germany for her first trip abroad since taking the post. In talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Wednesday, the...
Wine - the pride of the French

Wine - the pride of the French

(VOVworld) - France produces 7 to 8 billion bottles of wine per year, which amounts to 20% of the world’s production. Wine is part of French culture, where buying...
PCA’s historic East Sea ruling

PCA’s historic East Sea ruling

(VOVworld) – On July 12 the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague announced its ruling in the Philippines case against China’s nine-dash line claims of historical rights in...