Hope for a peaceful world in 2017

Hope for a peaceful world in 2017

(VOVworld) – In an address marking the New Year and his first day in office as UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres said that in 2017 the top priority must be ensuring...
Pork Congee

Pork Congee

(VOVworld) - Congee is a kind of Asian-style rice soup which is easy to digest and is good nourishment in cold weather or when you have the flu. Let’s imagine...
Peruvian gastronomy introduced in Vietnam

Peruvian gastronomy introduced in Vietnam

(VOVworld) – A gastronomy week in Hanoi is aimed at introducing Peru’s culinary culture and beauties to local people through various activities such as a cuisine festival, a painting exhibition, a...
Zika cases increase in Singapore

Zika cases increase in Singapore

(VOVworld) - Singapore confirmed 38 new cases of locally transmitted Zika virus infection as of Friday, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) and National Environment Agency (NEA) in a joint statement
Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh visits Colombia

Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh visits Colombia

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh is on an official visit to Colombia July 13-16. At Thursday’s meeting with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, the two leaders agreed...
Physical therapy to treat back pains

Physical therapy to treat back pains

(VOVworld) – Treating back pains by putting pressure on the back and the spine is a traditional physical therapy among Vietnamese people. It doesn’t require equipment or infrastructure, just a small stool and a...
People undefeated by post-war bombs and mines

People undefeated by post-war bombs and mines

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Quang Tri province, an area of scorching sun and heavy rain, was also hardest hit by the American bombing during the war. Despite severe natural conditions, victims of...
Untold stories of wars

Untold stories of wars

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Union Literature and Arts Associations presented awards to winning works of a contest on the revolutionary and resistance wars from 1930 to 1975. 80 prize-winning works of literature, cinematography, music...
Quang Tri battlefield

Quang Tri battlefield

(VOVworld)- Quang Tri province attracts visitors not only because of its beautiful landscape and delicious food but also its historical relic sites. The visitors come to the province to express their gratitude and show...
Foreign friends’ impressions of Ho Chi Minh

Foreign friends’ impressions of Ho Chi Minh

(VOVworld) – President Ho Chi Minh is a name that kindles respectful feelings among Vietnamese people and good impressions among foreign friends. Around the world, especially in places he traveled to,...
Letters connect north and south

Letters connect north and south

(VOVworld)- During the war, many people in northern Vietnam left behind their loved ones and families to go to the southern front. At that time, letters were the only means of communicating...