Kitchen God worship of the Tay

Kitchen God worship of the Tay

(VOVWORLD) - Wood stoves play an important role in the life of Tay ethnic minority people. The stove is a place to cook and store food, and is the home of the Kitchen God,...
Traditional houses of the M’Nong

Traditional houses of the M’Nong

(VOVWORLD) - In the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong the traditional cultures of several ethnic minorities, including the M'Nong, converge. The M'Nong, one of the oldest ethnic groups in this region,...
Glutinous rice steamer of the Thai

Glutinous rice steamer of the Thai

(VOVWORLD) - A rice steamer is a familiar item of kitchenware among the Thai ethnic minority people in Vietnam’s northwestern region. They use it to steam rice and other dishes, as well...
Traditional culture of the O Du in Nghe An

Traditional culture of the O Du in Nghe An

(VOVWORLD) - The O Du ethnic minority group has about 600 people living mainly in Tuong Duong district in the central province of Nghe An province. They live together with the Thai,...
Incense-making craft of the Nung An

Incense-making craft of the Nung An

(VOVWORLD) - For many generations the Nung An ethnic minority of Phja Thap hamlet have been making incense sticks from natural materials. Phja Thap hamlet at the foot of Ta Hung...
New rice ceremony of the M’nong Gar

New rice ceremony of the M’nong Gar

(VOVWORLD) - Performing a new rice ceremony is a very old custom among the ethnic groups who live in Vietnam’s Truong Son mountain range in the Central Highlands. The ceremony acknowledges the primary...
Jew’s harp expresses love of Kho Mu men

Jew’s harp expresses love of Kho Mu men

(VOVWORLD) - Jew’s harp is a popular musical instrument of many ethnic groups, but it has never named as a national musical instrument. It’s mostly mentioned as a tool...
Wood stove of the Tay in Binh Lieu

Wood stove of the Tay in Binh Lieu

(VOVWORLD) - The wood stove has an important position in the life and culture of the Vietnamese people as it provides light, cooks food, and warms up the house. The Tay in Binh...
House of the K’ho

House of the K’ho

(VOVworld) – Like many other ethnic groups in the Central Highlands, the K’ho live in stilt houses which are built harmoniously with nature
Ha Nhi’s worship of the kitchen genie

Ha Nhi’s worship of the kitchen genie

(VOVworld) – The Ha Nhi consider water the source of life and fire the source of power. The woodstove space is the key spot in their house. They put a sacred...
The wood stove in the life of the Dao Khau

The wood stove in the life of the Dao Khau

(VOVworld) – The Dao Khau live mainly in the Sin Ho district of Lai Chau province. Like other ethnic minority groups in Sin Ho, the Dao Khau consider the wood stove an important...