ASEM conference on education opens in Hue

(VOVworld) - The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Conference on Innovative Education and Human Resources Building for Sustainable Development opened in Hue city in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue on Thursday.

ASEM conference on education opens in Hue - ảnh 1
Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam addresses the ASEM conference on innovative education

Addressing the conference, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam stressed that education plays an important role in promoting innovation and creativity. He noted that the current context requires a generation of global citizens with qualification and sense of responsibility for the nation, global issues, and future of the planet. He said: “ASEM plays an important role in connecting states, governments, enterprises, and peoples of the two continents in enhancing peace, development cooperation, and prosperity. ASEM plays an active role in promoting education and training and developing human resources. We have seen a number of initiatives and projects on human resource development initiated by member states. All these initiatives have created momentum for cooperation in education and training.”

The two-day conference is hoped to promote the Asia-Europe cooperation in dealing with issues related to education, labour, and jobs. It also aims to seek proposals on ASEM’s visions on education and developing human resources.
The role of education and human resources in sustainable development in the 21st century; new skills and new requirements in the digital era are also on the agenda.

