Victory over Pol Pot regime represents justice, Vietnam-Cambodia friendship

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, Vietnamese and Cambodians celebrated the 35th anniversary of the January 7th victory over the Pol Pot genocidal regime which involved the assistance of Vietnamese volunteer troops.

A ceremony to mark the event opened in HCM city on Tuesday. Senior defense officials, former Vietnamese experts and volunteer soldiers who took part in the southwest border defense war attended the event. They agreed that Cambodia’s victory over the Khmer Rouge regime was largely thanks to the support and sacrifice of Vietnamese experts and volunteer soldiers. Political commissar of Military Zone 7, Lieutenant General Pham Van Dy said: “We should continue to uphold the friendship and cooperation between our military zone and Cambodia’s royal army. This will help to safeguard our border, contributing to the development of both nations.”

Victory over Pol Pot regime represents justice, Vietnam-Cambodia friendship - ảnh 1
Vietnamese volunteer soldiers entering Cambodia in 1979

The same day, a meeting was held in Phnom Penh to mark this occasion.

Samdech Heng Samrin, President of the National Assembly and Honorary President of the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP), affirmed that Cambodian people are now living in peace. But the entire nation will never forget the country’s worst period when 3 million Cambodian civilians were massacred under the genocidal regime of Pol Pot in only 3 years. Chairman Heng Samrin said that if the international community had not stepped in to help, Cambodia’s fate may have been much worse. He said together with the assistance of the Vietnamese people, and volunteer soldiers, Cambodia’s United Front for National Salvation overthrew the Pol Pot regime 35 years ago. Chairman Heng Samrin said at the event:

The January 7th, 1979 victory saved the Cambodian People’s lives, ended the worst period in Cambodian history and opened a new era in which Cambodians regained their freedom, honor, dignity, and the right  to master their own fate. The victory brought in opportunities to gather resources for national reconstruction.”

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Cambodians greeting Vietnamese volunteer soldiers

Sam Sitha from Kandal province, one of the meeting attendants, said she witnessed the presence of Vietnamese soldiers who helped liberate Cambodian people. After the war, Vietnamese officials stayed in her country for a decade to assist Cambodia’s provinces with re-building the nation. Ms. Sam said:

The January 7th, 1979 victory is the second birthday of all Cambodians. Vietnamese soldiers came to help liberate Cambodians out of the genocidal regime of Pol Pot. Cambodians are grateful for the prompt support of Cambodia’s United Front for National Salvation and Vietnamese volunteer soldiers.

35 years have passed but Cambodians still remember the Vietnamese volunteers. Chum Mey, who heads the Association of Victims of the Khmer Rouge Regime, will never forget the moment he was freed by Vietnamese soldiers from Tuol Sleng prison when a soldier named Dong gave his coat to Chum Mey. Mey said time has proved who is the real friend of the Cambodians: "I understand the relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia. I know that only Vietnam can promptly help Cambodia. I’m very grateful for Vietnamese soldiers saving Cambodians, particularly myself."

The Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper reserved a page for this historic event with a number of articles. A story entitled “The victory song and the special Vietnam-Cambodia friendship echo” recalled memories of the solidarity and strong attachment between Vietnam and Cambodia during the fight in the past and Cambodia’s national development in the present. An editorial voiced the pride of a just victory and honored the special friendship between the two peoples. It called the victory over the Pol Pot regime a milestone in the glorious history of both Vietnam and Cambodia. The fall of the Khmer Rouge preserved Vietnam’s territorial integrity and saved countless Cambodians from one of the worst atrocities in history. The historic triumph 35 years ago represented justice and solidarity between Vietnam and Cambodia.

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Vietnamese volunteer soldiers stay close to the Cambodians. (Photo:

The People’s Army Newspaper ran an article evoking the spirit of victory and praising Vietnam-Cambodia friendship and cooperation. The article said this is Vietnam’s unswerving policy.   

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The Cambodians say farewell to Vietnamese volunteer soldiers when then return home after the victory. (Photo: VNA)



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