Communication campaign on Vietnam’s sea and islands launched in Quang Ngai

(VOVworld) – A ceremony was held in Quang Ngai city on Saturday to increase communications on Vietnam’s border, seas, and islands.

Communication campaign on Vietnam’s sea and islands launched in Quang Ngai - ảnh 1
Vietnamese Fishermen keep going fishing in traditional fishing grounds despite China’s threats
(Photo: Hai Son/VOV correspondent in the central region)

The program involves 11 mobile communication teams from 11 provinces and cities in the central coastal and central highlands regions. At the function,  Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Huynh Vinh Ai condemned China’s illegal deployment of an oil rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, violating the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea. Ai said Vietnam has sufficient historical and legal evidence to prove its sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos

Pham Nhu So, Vice Chairman of Quang Ngai People’s Committee, called on people from all walks of life and fishermen in the province to work together to protect the national territorial waters. So said: “fishermen are those who have and will proceed the glorious tradition of Hoang Sa soldiers in the old days. Fishermen should uphold the revolutionary tradition, patriotism, the national pride, and unity to continue offshore fishing as a way to protect the national maritime sovereignty.

A road show took place across the province after the ceremony.

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