13th National Party Congress to select talented, virtuous people

(VOVWORLD) - The latest session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party approved “special” nominees to the Committee for the next tenure as well as nominees to top Party and the State positions. Preparations for the Party Congress, which is slated to begin next Monday, have now been finalized.
13th National Party Congress to select talented, virtuous people - ảnh 1Party leader and President Nguyen Phu Trong addresses the 12th Party Central Committee's 15th plenum which concludes on January 17, 2021. (Photo: Tri Dung/VNA)

During its 90 years of leadership, the Communist Party of Vietnam has always considered personnel work the core of Party building and an important factor in the success or failure of the revolution.

Personnel preparation is a key part in preparing the 13th National Party Congress. It has been done in 5 steps: personnel to be reelected to the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat, new nominees, and special nominees.  

13th National Party Congress to select talented, virtuous people - ảnh 2The 12th Party Central Committee's 15th plenum approves “special” nominees to the Committee for the next tenure as well as nominees to top Party and the State positions. (Photo: Tri Dung/VNA)

Strict procedures

Personnel for the Party’s 13th term have been carefully discussed at multiple meetings.

Two months after the establishment of a personnel sub-committee in October, 2018, the Party Central Committee began discussing 200 nominees to the Committee’s next tenure.

In October, 2020, the Party Central Committee voted on nominees of official and alternate members of the next Party Central Committee and members of the Committee’s Inspection Commission. In December, the Party Central Committee voted to introduce personnel to the Politburo and Secretariat.

“The Party Central Committee has discussed and voted in a democratic, frank, and responsible manner on the nomination list, including first-time candidates and special candidates who served as members of the Politburo and the Party Central Committee in the current tenure, and candidates for key positions for the upcoming 13th tenure,” Party leader and President Nguyen Phu Trong told the 15th plenum which concluded on Sunday.

13th National Party Congress to select talented, virtuous people - ảnh 3The closing session of the 12th Party Central Committee's 15th plenum. (Photo: Tri Dung/VNA)

Paying special attention to qualifications

Personnel preparation for the 13th Party Central Committee has paid special attention to the qualifications of candidates. The Party Central Committee should be a united organization with renewed thought and a strategic view to represent the Party’s fighting spirit, discipline, and close relationship with the people. It should have inheritance, development, and continuation between generations of senior Party members.

Personnel work for the 13th Party Central Committee has been done democratically and objectively to serve the national interest.  

The Party Central Committee has affirmed a resolute determination to fight corruption, waste, negative phenomena, and interest group; reject unqualified candidates for the Party Central Committee, and include people of morality, talent, and a strong potential for development.

“The Party has closely examined and selected the best candidates for the 13th National Party Congress. Personnel preparation shows the strong determination of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat in party building," said Party member Nguyen Manh Thang of Hanoi. 

"Cadres are the root of all work. Good cadres, who work for the people and dare to think and to do, can make changes and gain successes in national construction.”  

Personnel preparation for the 13th National Party Congress is the responsibility of the Party and the whole political system, not just the personnel subcommittee and the Party Central Committee. The Vietnamese people expect that thorough personnel preparation will ensure the Congress’s success, strengthen public trust, and create momentum for the nation in a new development period.

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