1945 August Revolution creates stepping stone for Vietnam to florish

(VOVWORLD) - On September 2, 1945 President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Today, September 2, memories of the glorious revolution 74 years ago inspire national pride in every Vietnamese citizen.
1945 August Revolution creates stepping stone for Vietnam to florish - ảnh 1

Each year, on September 2nd, Vietnamese people pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Hanoi and recall the glorious August Revolution and National Independence Day. The 1945 August Revolution was a turning point in Vietnam’s history, breaking the colonial chains of slavery, overthrowing the feudal regime, and establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The success of the August Revolution opened a new era of national independence, freedom, national liberation, and human liberation. Since then Vietnamese workers have been the masters of their nation and have enjoyed personal opportunities on a par with their international friends.

Throughout the last 74 years Vietnam has had phenomenal success. After struggles against foreign invaders and more than 30 years of national renewal, Vietnam has seen stunning achievements in politics, economy, society, culture, security, national defense, external relations, and the building of a strong Party and law-governed socialist State. Vietnam’s political system and national unity bloc have been consolidated and strengthened. Politics, social order, security and defense have been maintained as the socio-culture has been promoted. Vietnam has now established diplomatic ties with more than 180 countries, joined most of the regional and global organizations and institutions, become a responsible member of the international community, and raised its international status. Vietnam has left the less-developed group and entered the low-middle income group. It has integrated further into the regional and global economy and become an attractive destination for foreign investment.

Vietnam’s achievements to date are widely credited to the sound policies of the Party and State.

The ensuring vitality of the August Revolution is reflected in successful economic models and projects nationwide bringing hope for further national growth.

This week Vietnamese people recall memories of President Ho Chi Minh reading the Declaration of Independence at Ba Dinh square, patiently working at resistance bases, and visiting the battlefields. Movements to study and follow his teachings and moral example have been expanded among Vietnamese people who believe that the President’s legacy will forever be a firm foundation on which Vietnam can move forward.

