Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's National Day 2021 address

(VOVWORLD) -  Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh delivered a keynote speech at a ceremony held on Wednesday in Hanoi to celebrate Vietnam’s 76th National Day, September 2. Here's the full text of the Prime Minister's speech. 

Excellencies comrade leaders of the Party, State and Viet Nam Fatherland Front,

Excellency Saadi Salama, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,

Excellencies Ambassadors, Charges d'Affais and Chief Representatives of International Organizations in Hanoi,

Excellencies Ambassadors, Consuls-General and Heads of Vietnamese Diplomatic Missions,

Comrades, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,     

On behalf of the Party, State, Government and people of Viet Nam, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all comrades, distinguished guests and friends, who are joining us today for the celebration of the 76th National Day of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, from all over the world.

76 years ago, on 2 September 1945, at the grand assembly on the historic Ba Dinh Square, President Ho Chi Minh, our national hero and cultural sage of the world,  read the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming before the nation and the world at large the birth of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam – the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam today. True to the path chosen by the Communist Party of Viet Nam and President Ho Chi Minh, over the past 76 years, the Party, State and people of Viet Nam, have tirelessly strived in order to defend independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, national self-determination, and the freedom and happiness for the people, in the spirit of “nothing is more precious than independence and freedom”. Viet Nam always actively supports and strives responsibly for peace, equal relations and prosperity in the region and the world according to President Ho Chi Minh's philosophy: “National independence must be closely linked to international solidarity, the spirit of goodwill and peace should be used to address disputes,  based on linking the interest of the nation to that of the countries in the region, and the common interest of progressive mankind”.

Most remarkably, after 35 years of Doi Moi, opening and integration, overcoming countless challenges and hardship, and thanks to the invaluable and effective assistance of its international friends, Viet Nam has achieved immense and historic triumphs in every area.

The size and power of its economy are soaring. From a poor, less developed country, Viet Nam has become a middle-income developing country. The United Nations recognized Viet Nam as one of the leading countries in realizing the Millennium Development Goals, especially on poverty reduction, gender equality, healthcare and education. The material and spiritual life of the people has constantly improved. The Party has grown stronger and purer, the leadership and combativeness of Party organs and members are also on the increase. The socialist rule-of-law state, of, by and for the people, is constantly reinforced. The socialist-oriented market economy is on its right track. The environment for business and investment becomes increasingly more favorable. Political and social stability are maintained, defense and security are upheld, foreign relations and international integration grow broader and deeper. As of today, Viet Nam is a nation of nearly 100 million population, enjoying per-capita income over US$3,500. With such monumental achievements in mind, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said: Never before has Viet Nam enjoyed such fortune, power, standing and international prestige as it does today. 

These historic triumphs are testimony to the unyielding spirit and willpower of the people of Viet Nam, and their aspiration for development, under the glorious leadership of the Communist Party of  Viet Nam. At the same time, Viet Nam will always be a reliable friend, partner and active and responsible member of the international community, as the Secretary-General of the United Nations spoke on 19 June 2021, that Viet Nam has made active and responsible contributions at the United Nations and to international issues, especially at the United Nations, considering Viet Nam a vital factor to maintain peace and stability in the region.

The Party, State and people of Viet Nam always keep in our hearts and treasure the invaluable companionship, effective and essential assistance that other countries, friends, international organizations and international community have extended to Viet Nam during our struggle for national liberation and reunification in the past, as well as to our cause of nation-building and national defense today.

Comrades, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are living in an era of globalization, full of rapid and unpredictable changes. Most extraordinarily, the emergence and outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two years have caused immense damage to all countries across various areas, especially the life, health and livelihood of the people. It has brought about a global economic recession, caused unemployment, poverty, inequality and insecurity to rise. This is coupled with traditional and non-traditional security challenges, such as conflicts in many areas, terrorism, climate change, sea level rise and aging population. We stand at the threshold of great opportunities, interspersed with challenges of increasingly greater complexity and unpredictability.

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, the participation of the entire political system, and through the unyielding will and spirit of the entire nation, Viet Nam has been making a concerted effort to fulfill two key objectives: to fight the pandemic effectively, and to foster socio-economic recovery and development growth, while securing social security and safety for the people. The fight against the disease is considered the most important and urgent task, placing the protection of the health and life of the people above all else. This includes foreigners who are working, studying and living in Viet Nam. We are making all efforts to contain and curb the pandemic, and, most strikingly, must quickly muster sufficient vaccines and organize a vaccination effort as fast, as broad, as early, as safe and as effective as possible, free of charge to the entire public for community immunity. Viet Nam always pays keen attention to, works together with, and engages with the business community in the common efforts to address obstacles, sustain business activities and prevent the disruption of supply and value chains.

Let me take this opportunity, on behalf of the leaders of the Party, State and people of Viet Nam, to express my sympathy, empathy and condolence for the hardship and losses that other countries and peoples have suffered due to the pandemic. Viet Nam cherishes and is grateful to the international community for your close cooperation and active and effective assistance given to Viet Nam, especially in the fight against the pandemic thus far. It would be remiss if I do not mention the vast amount of vaccines, drugs and medical equipment Viet Nam has received so far. We are also thankful to other countries and international organizations for your keen attention and enabling conditions given to the overseas Vietnamese nationals and community in your country. We are deeply grateful and high appreciate these very noble gestures, as an expression of sympathy and mutual assistance in times of need, and as testimony to the profound friendship between Viet Nam and friends all over the world.

The pandemic is anticipated to persist with complicated developments. Most importantly, we must continue to work even more closely and cohesively together and forge greater unity in the common effort to beat back the pandemic. The effort of each country is key and decisive, yet international cooperation is also important and shall create a breakthrough. I trust, and respectfully ask that other nations and international organizations will continue to pay keen attention, and more vigorously advance international cooperation. We hope to receive your assistance and sharing of technologies, experience, financing, medical supplies, equipment and bio-products, treatment drugs, and especially vaccines, as soon, as much and as early as possible, as to us, “the best vaccine is the earliest given”. At the same time, we hope you would facilitate international investment and trade, promote cooperation in the transport of people and goods between countries, and keep the global production and supply chains from being disrupted.

Comrades, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam set the national development goals for 2025, 2030, and especially 2045, at which point Viet Nam shall become a socialist-oriented, developed and high-income country. To realize this monumental goal, Viet Nam will continue its efforts to safeguard the interest of the nation-state on the basis of the fundamental principles of the UN Charter and international law, and the tenets of equality, cooperation and mutual interest. We will continue to build on the noble traditions and the achievements of the past to promote rapid and sustainable national development, towards the goal of a wealthy people, a strong nation that enjoy democracy, equality and civilization. We strive to cohesively link and synchronously implement all tasks: economic development is the center, Party building is the key mandate, cultural shall be the spiritual bedrock of society, and strengthening defense and security is a critical and vital task. Most importantly, we identify human beings as the center, the subject, the highest goal and the most important driver of development. We place particular importance on the overall development of the people as both the inspiration, the source, and the masters of our national development, and we promote harmonies the traditional values and modernity. 

Viet Nam’s development is inseparable from a peaceful and stable environment in the region and the world. The Government of Viet Nam steadily pursues its consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization, diversification, and actively engages in intensive and extensive international integration. Viet Nam is a good friend, a reliable partner, and a responsible member of the international community. We shall patiently address territorial sovereignty and islands and waters disputes through peaceful means, based on international law, and safeguard an environment of peace and stability for rapid and sustainable national development. At the same time, Viet Nam hopes to join hands with other countries to address traditional and non-traditional security challenges, foster globalization and international integration and connectivity, and work towards a green, clean world of more sustainable, inclusive and humanistic development.

Viet Nam continues to conduct its foreign relations and international integration activities under a variety of flexible, creative and suitable formats. Since the beginning of the year, the leaders of the Party and State have attended over 50 virtual high-level conferences, had telephone calls with many leaders of other countries, international and regional organizations. Exchange of high-level delegations, especially high-level visits, continued to be given great attention. Viet Nam focuses on discussing and forging consensus on matters of importance related to peace, security and development in the world and the region, including cooperation to combat COVID-19 and climate change. As these are global issues, we must seek a global and equitable approach, and grant mutual aid to one another, in our time today.

Excellencies Ambassadors, Charges d'Affais, representatives of international organizations,

Comrades, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

In such challenging times, the Vietnamese Government deeply empathize with the hardship and disruptions you are encountering in your work and life in our country. I highly appreciate and cherish your sympathy and solidarity, as well as your vital role in fostering links and cooperation between Viet Nam and the Governments and international organizations that you represent. Through you, I would like to extend to  to leaders of your respective countries and international organizations, my warmest regards, heartfelt gratitude, words of kindness and best wishes. I look forward to an opportunity to discuss matters of common interest to all of us, for peace, cooperation, development, and for the common good and prosperity of all nations in the world.

There is a Vietnamese saying, “fire tests gold, adversity tests the brave”, so will this challenge strengthen our tenacity. History has proven that during hardship, challenge and adversity, the spirit of solidarity, mutual assistance and empathy shall be the panacea against the pandemic, and a boon to our growing partnership.

Through its patriotism, its historical and cultural tradition, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, Viet Nam pledges to make every effort alongside the international community to combat the pandemic. I am confident that together, we shall emerge victorious, and the dawn of a normal life will soon return.

In the warmth and friendship of today, and to share in the joy of the National Day with the people of Viet Nam, let us once again renew our commitment to strive:

For a peaceful, stable, safe and prosperous world!

For peace, happiness and prosperity in Viet Nam and for its people!

For the good friendship and cooperation between Viet Nam and all countries, international organizations, and friends across the globe!

I wish you, Comrades, Excellencies, Ambassadors, Heads of missions and Chief Representatives, and all distinguished guests and dear friends, good health.

Thank you.

