Teachers’ Day cement teacher-student bonds

(VOVworld) – Vietnam Teachers’ Day on November 20 is celebrated nationwide.

Teachers’ Day cement teacher-student bonds  - ảnh 1

On November 20 Vietnam’s education sector honors teachers and enhances the bond between teachers and students. The celebration reflects a long Vietnamese tradition of respecting teachers and education.

Ngo Thuy Tien attends Marie Curie secondary school in Hanoi. “Teachers’ Day is a day to honor our teachers’ merits. To repay their service, we’ll strive to be good students in order to become useful citizens.”

The commitment of teachers to delivering good lectures and training students has been central to education sector reforms. Nguyen Van Gioi, a teacher at from Phuc Tho High School in Hanoi, said giving lectures to students is a matter of teachers continually improving their own morality and knowledge.

At a meeting on Teachers’ Day, Ho Chi Minh City authorities pledged to reform teaching methods to improve education.

Le Quang Dat is a Vice Rector of Tan Phong High School in district 7: “Teachers have a profound responsibility because students spend much of their time at school. Teachers should be as wholeheartedly devoted to their students as their parents are.”

Teachers have contributed to national education reform by adapting their teaching methods to training high quality human resources for national development and integration.
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