Vietnam exerts efforts to address global challenges

(VOVWORLD) - The COP26 Climate Summit opened in Glasgow, the UK, on Sunday, drawing great international attention. Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s attendance at the event demonstrated Vietnam’s proactiveness and contributions to global efforts to cope with climate change challenges. 

Vietnam exerts efforts to address global challenges - ảnh 1

Countries participating in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are required to submit their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to the UN Secretariat in 2021. At COP26, they expect to reach specific agreements on GHS emission cuts in each country to obtain the goal of keeping the earth’s temperature increase to no more than 2 degrees C above the pre-industrial level by the end of this century. Their aim is to promote socio-economic sustainability and achieve the SDGs by 2030. 

Opportunities for the globe to take action

COP26, which was delayed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was held under pressure to achieve an agreement on climate change amid a widespread energy crisis. 

4 goals to be obtained at COP26 include maintaining global emissions at zero to keep the temperature rise below 1.5 degrees C by the middle of this century, adapting to protect the community and the natural living environment, getting developed countries to commit to mobilizing at least 100 billion USD annually to finance climate action, and fine-tuning detailed rules to enable the Paris Agreement to address the global climate crisis through cooperation among governments, businesses, and civil societies. These four goals are only achievable with stronger cooperation between countries. 

Vietnam makes practical contributions at COP 26

As a developing country which began industrialization three decades ago, Vietnam has exerted efforts to contribute to global climate action. Vietnam sent the UN its Intended National Determined Contributions in 2015 and updated its policies and legal system. In its NDC, updated in 2020, Vietnam committed to further reduction of gas emissions and gas emission ratio. Vietnam will have reduced its GHG emissions by 9% compared to the BAU (business as usual ) scenario by 2030 using only its own domestic resources. That reduction can be increased to 27% with international support and the implementation of new mechanisms under the Paris Agreement.

UK Ambassador to Vietnam Gareth Ward said Vietnam’s commitments are feasible: 'It was more ambitious than the previous target but I would not say that it was at a high level of ambition. I think since then, a year has passed. Vietnam has done a lot of analysis of where it can put further, where it can look for more emission reduction. So first of all, I'm very confident that Vietnam can meet the 27% target which has been set already and exceed it. Secondly, I'm very confident that the Vietnamese delegation going to Glasgow will be going will new ideas and new commitments. So I would expect that we will see new figures coming from the Vietnamese side."

The updated version of Vietnam’s NDC demonstrates its commitment to mitigating the impacts of  climate change globally. So far, Vietnam is one of the few countries who have increased their contribution to reducing GHG emissions in an updated NDC. 

In the 5 years since COP 21 in 2015, Vietnam has updated and fulfilled its commitment. Pham Van Tan, Vice Director of the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, said that in fulfilling its commitment, Vietnam has made every effort and developed a strong foundation for increasing its contribution at COP26.

'Vietnam is one of the dynamic countries who have dynamically and resolutely responded to climate change. As soon as the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015, the Vietnamese government tasked ministries and sectors, with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment being the focal point, with developing an action plan to realize the Agreement. From 2016 to 2020, we integrated our commitment under the Paris Agreement into the revised Law on Environmental Protection which was adopted by the National Assembly last November. At COP26, Vietnam is one of the developing countries that have integrated regulations under the Paris Agreement into its legal system,' said Mr. Tan. 

Attending the COP26 Summit, Vietnam aims to reaffirm its determination to promote and realize international commitments to global issues. This will also be an opportunity for Vietnam to enhance cooperation with other countries and international organizations and seek financial and technological cooperation to improve its capacity to cope with climate change. 

