2012 Coconut Festival promotes economic values of coconut tree

2012 Coconut Festival promotes economic values of coconut tree - ảnh 1
A set of teapot made of coconut tree-trunks displayed at 2010 Coconut Festival

(VOVworld) – The 3rd Coconut Festival, themed ‘Ben Tre on the road to integration and development’, highlights the economic potential of the province for eco-tourism, historical and cultural relics, and particularly, coconut products. The event is also an opportunity to honor coconut growers and to promote the region’s images.

Ben Tre’s vast coconut trees groves, located at the mouth of the Mekong River, is considered the “capital” of coconuts in Vietnam. For local people, coconut trees have a special meaning – a major source of income and a typical cultural symbol. But recent economic fluctuations have hurt the region’s coconut production, worrying local farmers and narrowing the cultivation area. Nguyen Van Hieu is Chairman of the province's People's Committee 'Ben Tre has the largest area of coconut farms in the country. Its 53,000 hectares produce 400 million coconuts a year, 35% of Vietnam’s total yield. Coconut production values make up more than 25% of the province’s industrial production value. Coconut products from Ben Tre and other provinces in the coconut-growing area have been exported to 60 countries and territories. Coconut trees not only produce revenues, but contribute to climate change adaptation'.

An important part of the festival will be an exhibition and trade fair at which 200 enterprises will display high-quality coconut products in 500 booths. Phan Huynh represents a company based in Ho Chi Minh City 'This year’s festival has been carefully prepared and I think it will be a success. Local people and organizers hope that the festival will boost the value of coconut trees'.

To Tuan

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