Ben Tre province honors coconut growers

(VOVworld)- A ceremony took place today/Monday in the southern province of Ben Tre to honor 20 outstanding local coconut growers. This is part of the on-going 3rd Coconut Festival in the province.

Ben Tre province honors coconut growers - ảnh 1
                            Transporting coconuts to the market

Bui Van Mot, who has an orchard in Ben Tre province’s Chau Binh commune, shared his experiences with VOV: "In order to achieve higher productivity, we need to keep the trees 9 meters apart from each other. We can also increase our profits by planting cocoa trees in between the coconut trees."
Ben Tre province now grows the most coconuts in Vietnam with more than 52,000 hectares. The province provides 36% of the country’s total output.  
