10 people killed in bomb blast near Cairo

(VOVworld) – Egyptian state news agency Ahram reported Thursday that ten people, including seven policemen, were killed in Giza province near Cairo when a makeshift bomb went off as police prepared to raid a militant hideout.

10 people killed in bomb blast near Cairo - ảnh 1
Security forces detain an unidentified man at the scene of a bomb blast in a main street in Giza, Egypt

The Interior Ministry said in a statement that its security forces had arrived in their vehicles to raid an apartment and found the building booby-trapped. The device exploded when they tried to defuse it.

Since 2013 Egypt has faced waves of anti-government bombings and attacks, mainly in the Sinai Peninsula, which have killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers.

The militant group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis has claimed responsibility for these terror attacks. The group has sworn allegiance to IS.  

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