10 years of Party's resolution on collective economy reviewed

(VOVworld) – The Secretariat of the Party Central Committee on Thursday held an online conference linking 63 spots to review 10 years of the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s resolution on reforming, developing and improving the efficiency of the collective economy.

10 years of Party's resolution on collective economy reviewed  - ảnh 1

After 10 years, the country has more than 370 cooperative groups, nearly 20 cooperatives attracting 13 million members and creating jobs for millions of laborers. 9,600 cooperatives have been established, working mainly in agriculture, industry, trade and the service industries in big cities nationwide. Le Hong Anh, Politburo member and standing member of the Secretariat said that the Party and State has always focused on developing the collective economy. Over the past year, the collective economy has made a positive contribution to economic growth, creating many jobs, helping to ensure social security and improving people’s living standards. Mr. Hong Anh asked the Party Central Committees at all levels – the ministries, sectors, localities, Vietnam Fatherland Front and cooperative alliance to continue implementing the resolution and creating conditions for cooperative models to develop, both in terms of the land and people, and attaching collective economic development to the new rural development goals. 

