102nd anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s overseas trip for national salvation

102nd anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s overseas trip for national salvation - ảnh 1
A ceremony in Ho Chi Minh city to mark 102 years since President Ho Chi Minh traveled abroad for national salvation  (Photo:tuoitre.vn)

(VOVworld) - A ceremony to mark 102 years since President Ho Chi Minh traveled abroad for national salvation opened in Ho Chi Minh city today/Wednesday. Municipal authorities and representatives of sectors and organizations as well as religious dignitaries attended the ceremony. They offered incense to President Ho Chi Minh’s monument and highlighted the significance of President Ho Chi Minh’s journey for national salvation which represents Vietnamese people’s patriotism, strong will and aspiration for independence and freedom. Le Duc Nghia , a youth union member of Saigon Port Company, says: “I’m very proud of being born and growing up in Ho Chi Minh City. We are young generation in the city and we will try to build corporate culture and practice thrift. We promise to continue our predecessors’ tradition of being vanguards in all fronts”.

On the occasion, Ho Chi Minh Museum in Ho Chi Minh City opened an exhibition featuring President Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese sea and islands.

