12th Party Congress draws attention of Vietnamese around the globe

12th Party Congress draws attention of Vietnamese around the globe  - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) – The 12th National Party Congress is drawing the attention of Vietnamese people at home and abroad. Many Vietnamese studying and working in Thailand have closely followed developments related to the 12th Congress. They all wish the Congress success in setting new policies to further encourage overseas Vietnamese to contribute to their fatherland. Nguyen Ngoc Han is deputy chairman of the Overseas Vietnamese Association in Bangkok: "I hope for stronger Thailand-Vietnam relations following the Congress, with more policies to help Thai-Vietnamese stabilize their lives in Thailand. Overseas Vietnamese in Thailand have always turned their hearts to their motherland and tried to preserve their cultural identity. I hope there will be a school to teach Vietnamese in Bangkok."

Bui Thi Nhu Hue is completing a Master’s Degree in Pharmacy Management at Mahidol University: "The Congress’s results will directly affect all Vietnamese people, including students studying abroad like us. We really hope for more policies that create favorable conditions for students like us to study abroad and later contribute to national development."

