14th NA Standing Committee opens its third session

(VOVworld) - The third session of the 14th National Assembly Standing Committee opened on Monday.

14th NA Standing Committee opens its third session - ảnh 1
14th NA Standing Committee opens its third session (Photo: VNA)

In the opening speech, Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said the committee will give opinions on preparations for the 14th National Assembly’s second session scheduled to take place on October 20 and submit to the legislature the revision of the draft laws on association, religion and belief, and asset auction.  

Deputies will also discuss 10 laws and a draft resolution including the law on irrigation and revised laws on foreign trade management, railway, transfer of technology, planning, the management and use of weapons, explosives and supporting tools.

The committee will also discuss draft Resolution on principles, criteria and norms for allocation of the State budget for frequent expenditures and draft Resolution on the amendments and supplements of some articles to Resolution No.55 on agricultural land use tax exemption and reduction.


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