8th Tonkin Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum opens

(VOVworld) – Delegates discussed the Tonkin Gulf’s expanded economic cooperation and its connection with the implementation of Chinese leaders of “the 21st Maritime Silk Road” initiative at the 8th Tonkin Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum, which opened Thursday in Nanning City in China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Delegates also discussed ways to boost trade and further people exchanges between China and ASEAN countries, including those on finance, investment, industrial development, and trans-national industrial cooperation.

8th Tonkin Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum opens - ảnh 1
Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Hong Truong was speaking at the event

Speaking at the forum, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Hong Truong said that Vietnam was always ready to cooperate with China and other ASEAN countries to realize the expanded Economic cooperation in the Tonkin Gulf region, urging countries to closely cooperate in prioritized fields such as infrastructure development and environmental protection.

Regarding the East Sea issue, he said that it was necessary to maintain political stability, set up and develop a favorable environment for peace and cooperation on the basis of equality for mutual benefits, in accordance with international law, while respecting the participating countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity. He added that related parties should abide by international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and strictly follow the Declaration of Conduct in the East Sea towards the completion of a Code of Conduct in the East Sea.

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