Activities to mark the 12th National Party Congress

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism organized an art performance on Monday in praise of the Party, President Ho Chi Minh, and the nation.

Activities to mark the 12th National Party Congress - ảnh 1

About 200 singers and dancers from art troupes nationwide performed in the event. Performance director Do Tuong An says: “We are proud to sing and dance to honor the Party’s leadership and wish the National Party Congress success. We want to contribute our part to various activities nationwide to congratulate the 12th National Party Congress.”
Hai Phong’s Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism opens a photo exhibition reviewing Congresses of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Over 130 photos, documents, and maps reflected important national events under the Party leadership in 80 years. The exhibition will close on January 28.

