Amnesty work for 2013 reviewed

Amnesty work for 2013 reviewed  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Public Security on Monday held a conference on amnesty work for 2013 and reviewing the 1-year implementation of the government’s decree on the surveying those who have already completed their prison terms. Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, President of the Central Amnesty Advisory Council for 2013, said that the work has been carried out well. Amnesties would encourage prisoners to study, work, and abide by prison’s regulations. Phuc stressed that prisons needed democracy and transparency in order to ensure more prisoners would have full conditions for any amnesties which would be considered by the President. Deputy Prime Minister Phuc said: “Ministries and localities need to strictly follow the laws and decisions. The Ministry of Public Security should do its work well, understanding thoroughly the president’s amnesty decision, which strictly forbids any interference in this year’s amnesty. It will be penalized strictly if any violations are detected.”

