Art program “Strong and Rich from the National Sea” to be held in Khanh Hoa

(VOVWORLD) - The art program “Strong and Rich from the National Sea” will be held at Nha Trang military port in Khanh Hoa province on Saturday evening.
Art program “Strong and Rich from the National Sea” to be held in Khanh Hoa - ảnh 1The art program “Strong and Rich from the National Sea” (Photo: VOV)

The program, co-organized by the Voice of Vietnam, the Party Central Committee’s Communication and Education Commission, the General Politics Department of the Vietnam People’s Army, and Khanh Hoa province, reviews the implementation of the 13th National Party Congress’s Resolution on seas and islands and the 5-year implementation of the Party Resolution on sustainable development of Vietnam’s marine economy to 2023, with a vision to 2045.

The program arouses national pride and reaffirms determination to protect Vietnam’s sovereignty of the sea and islands.

Nguyen Tan Tuan, Chairman of the Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee, said: “This is a very meaningful program especially when Khanh Hoa is implementing the Party politburo resolution on the province’s development until 2030, with a vision to 2045. Under the resolution, the province aims to develop  Truong Sa island district into a socio-economic hub at sea. The program arouses the patriotism among Vietnamese people inside and outside the country and their engagement in protecting the sovereignty of national sea and islands.”


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