Australia opposes China’s unilateral activities in the East Sea

Australia opposes China’s unilateral activities in the East Sea  - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) – Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said his government opposed China’s militarization and unilateral land reclamation in the East Sea. Prime Minister Abbott said on Thursday that Australia upholds a tough and consistent stance on the East Sea issues.
Australia does not support any side in territorial disputes and rejects any coercive or unilateral actions to change the status quo. All disputes must be resolved peacefully in line with international law. Australia will act to ensure freedom of navigation and aviation.
Speaking at a security conference in Singapore last week, Australian Defense Minister Kevin Andrews called on China to stop construction activities on islands in the disputed sea north of Australia. He said Australia opposes all unilateral activities to change the status quo in the East Sea and expressed his concern over the use of artificial islands for military purposes.

