Belgian Senate President begins official visit to Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - President of the Belgian Senate Stephanie D'Hose arrived in Hanoi on Monday morning, starting her 5-day official visit to Vietnam. 
Belgian Senate President begins official visit to Vietnam - ảnh 1 President of the Belgian Senate Stephanie D'Hose is welcomed at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, August 21, 2023. (Photo:

D'Hose is the highest-ranking Belgian politician to visit Vietnam in 2023, which marks 50 years of diplomatic relations and 5 years of strategic partnership in agriculture between the two countries.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Committee for External Relations Don Tuan Phong told the press that the visit is expected to forge economic, trade and investment cooperation between the two countries, as well as enhance their legislative ties.

It also aims to improve coordination between Vietnam and Belgium at multilateral forums like the UN, and in regional and international inter-parliamentary organizations.

During the visit, the Vietnamese NA is scheduled to sign cooperation agreements with both the Belgian Senate and the House of Representatives, he said.

Mr. Phong emphasized that Belgium is Vietnam’s important partner in Europe and the world as well, particularly in economy and trade, adding Belgium serves as a gateway for Vietnamese goods to access the European market.

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