Belt of suicide vest found in Montrouge, south of Paris

Belt of suicide vest found in Montrouge, south of Paris - ảnh 1
Salah Abdeslam, 26, is believed to have fled the bloodbath that left 130 dead, rather than blowing himself up. Photo: AP
(VOVworld) - French police say that an explosive vest found in a suburb on the southern edge of Paris contained bolts and the same type of explosive used in vests in the Paris attacks. Police said the vest, without a detonator, was found on Monday by a street cleaner in a pile of rubble in Chatillon-Montrouge, just south of Paris.

The vest was found in the same area where the cell phone of a man sought by police was geolocalized. Police have been conducting a manhunt to find Salah Abdeslam, but it was not known if the explosive vest was abandoned by him. He was stopped by police in northern France after the attack but allowed to continue his journey to Belgium.

