Center-right EPP leads 2024 European elections

(VOVWORLD) - The center-right European People's Party (EPP) is leading the 2024 European Parliament (EP) elections.
Center-right EPP leads 2024 European elections - ảnh 1Residents of New Caledonia, France, vote in European elections on June 6, 2024 (Photo: AFP/ VNA) 

It is projected to secure 191 seats, according to the EP's aggregated results estimates on Sunday.

The center-left Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) follows with 135 seats, while Renew Europe (RE) is projected to be the third-largest group with 83 seats.

The results indicate a shift in the political landscape, with centrist parties losing seats and far-right groups making significant gains. Though still the third-largest group in the parliament, RE saw a substantial loss of 22 seats compared to the last election in 2019, while the Greens/European Free Alliance lost 19 seats.

On the far-right, the Identity and Democracy (ID) group gained 9 seats, reaching a total of 57, and the European Conservatives and Reformists secured 71 seats.

In the coming weeks, parliamentary groups will be established and elect their presidents and vice presidents. The European Parliament’s constitutive session for the tenth legislative term will take place July 16-19 in Strasbourg, the first task being to elect a new EP President.

