Conference on promoting cooperative economy convened

(VOVWORLD) - An online conference to promote the development of Vietnamese cooperatives took place in Hanoi on Saturday. 
Conference on promoting cooperative economy convened - ảnh 1A conference on promoting cooperative economy is convened in Hanoi

The conference, held by the government, discussed ways to boost the development of agriculture, rural areas and rural development until 2020 and the following years. Conference delegates stressed the importance of the Prime Minister’s decision on promoting cooperative economic development, agricultural production links and product consumption. Ma Quang Trung. Director of the Cooperative Economy Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, said: “It’s an important task to boost the development of 15,000 cooperatives until 2020. We need to focus on strengthening the performance of cooperatives and encourage enterprises to invest more in agriculture, and rural areas to set up chains to facilitate production and consumption.”

