Connecting Vietnamese, Korean businesses

Connecting Vietnamese, Korean businesses - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – A delegation from the Ministry of Industry and Trade led by Duong Hoang Minh, deputy director of the European Market Department, is on a visit to the Republic of Korea to discuss investment opportunities with Vietnamese businesses there. Topics for discussion include preferential policies regarding investment, trade, customs, and exit and entry for Vietnamese Korean businesses. Both sides shared information on the advantages and challenges regarding specific fields and groups of goods during the implementation of the Vietnam-Republic of Korea free trade agreement. They also discussed experiences running businesses in Korea as well as boosting cooperation between businesses in the two countries to boost Vietnamese products’ penetration into the Korean market. Vo Thanh Son, representative of the Korad company in Asia hailed the event, which helped businesses on both sides acknowledge the benefits brought about by the free trade agreement and addressed their concerns over investment and business procedures in Vietnam.

