Construction sector to speed up progress of major projects

The Ministry of Construction has set tasks for 2012, including mechanism improvement, human resource development, implementation of the Strategy on national housing by 2020 and acceleration of major projects’ progress. The tasks were set at the sector’s conference on Friday in Hanoi. This year, the average housing area per head is set to be 20m2 per person. At least 1.5 million m2 of low-priced houses will be built in urban areas and 66,000 poor households in rural areas will be assisted with accommodations.

Addressing the conference, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung praised the Ministry for its achievements last year, contributing 10 percent of GDP. The sector built 160,000 homes for the poor and 500,000 flood resistant houses. The Prime Minister pointed out future tasks: “The construction sector should do its best to improve the quality of planning and management. Better vision is needed.  Planning is key in industrialization and modernization of urban areas. Laws and regulations on urban planning should be revised”.

Mr. Dung asked the sector to consider developing social housing as its political mission and expand exemplary models of social house development. The government leader also asked the Ministry of Construction to seek solutions to stagnant real estate market, restructure construction enterprises and boost human resource development.

