Continued efforts to overcome flood’s aftermath in central and central highlands provinces

(VOVworld) – Floods and torrential rains have caused heavy losses in central and central highlands provinces. 33 people have died, tens of thousands of houses have been submerged and many areas have been isolated. The water level in rivers and streams in the central region has lowered and local authorities are gearing up efforts to help people stabilize their lives. Le Huu Loc, Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People’s Committee, said: “Our foremost task is to ensure that no one is hungry and cold. When flood waters recede we will disinfect the environment to avoid epidemics and then prepare for the winter-spring crop.”

Continued efforts to overcome flood’s aftermath in central and central highlands provinces - ảnh 1

This year’s flood has surpassed the 1999 record in Quang Ngai. All available forces and resources have been mobilized to support the affected areas. 100,000 packages of instant noodle, 100,000 bottles of water and 30,000 tonnes of rice have been transported to the affected areas. Secretary of the provincial Youth Union, Ha Thi Anh Thu, said that young volunteers have transported instant noodle and bottled water to the flood victims. She said: “We will send our members to support people in 5 isolated areas.  We will help to clean up schools and remove debris so that students can go to school quickly.”

Continued efforts to overcome flood’s aftermath in central and central highlands provinces - ảnh 2

In Quang Nam province, people living along the Vu Gia and Thu Bon rivers have begun to clean their houses while environmental disinfection is being carried out in the ancient town of Hoi An.

