Cuba leads the world in human development

(VOV) In a recent report on children, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) praised Cuba’s success in children’s healthcare and in implementing its human development targets.

Cuba leads the world in human development - ảnh 1

UNICEF said that these were result of the Cuban government’s tireless efforts to raise the level of nutrition in the most country’s vulnerable groups, especially children. The Cuban government has continued to ensure adequate supplies of basic food stuffs for its citizens and is also encouraging breast-feeding. The report indicates that Cuba is still the only nation in Latin America and the Caribbean to have no child malnutrition.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has recognized Cuba as a leader in the region in combating malnutrition and one of the world’s most successful countries in completing its human development targets. This is of special significance as Cuba is still trying hard to overcome the difficulties caused by the US embargo over the past half century.

