Eastern Ukraine: More OSCE observers released

(VOVworld) - Rebels in eastern Ukraine released the four remaining European monitors on Saturday. In all, two observer teams of the Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe were detained by gunmen in eastern Ukraine last month.

Eastern Ukraine: More OSCE observers released - ảnh 1
The observers were part of a group of eight OSCE staff who had been detained since late May (photo: bbc.com)

The first team of 4 people was released on June 27. They were all in good conditions. These people are among hundreds of observers sent to eastern Ukraine to monitor the implementation of an international agreement to ease tensions in the region. The Russian Foreign Ministry has appreciated the release of the OSCE observers. It said in a statement that Russia has continuously asked for the release of the observers and that obstructing the observers to fulfill their mission and threatening their personal safety were unacceptable.
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