Employment, security France's priorities in 2016

Employment, security France's priorities in 2016 - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – Creating more jobs, fighting terrorism, and maintaining security at home are the French government's priorities this year. In a New Year message to his executive staff, Hollande said on Monday that the government's first priority was employment. To this end, Hollande unveiled "a major reform" that would help simplify the labor code, reinforce collective negotiation, and establish a private business account that would give new rights to workers throughout their professional life. In a move to appease angry voters on broken promises to reduce unemployment, the Socialist leader also pledged to pour more money into training for 500,000 jobseekers. Shifting to security issues, Hollande said that “due to the seriousness of the threat", "protecting the French" was also this year's main objective. He said France needs to maintain a high level of vigilance to protect various locations, including schools and religious sites.

