(VOVworld) - The European Parliament approved another 401.3 million euros budget on Wednesday to handle the current migration crisis.
The European Parliament approved another 401.3 million euros budget to handle the current migration crisis (photo:iran-daily.com)
The funds, proposed by the European Commission (EC), would go to EU countries hardest hit by the refugee inflow, to non-EU countries hosting the most Syrian refugees, and to the three EU agencies handling the most refugee-related tasks.
The EC called on EU members to honor commitments made at the summit on September 23. EU leaders pledged to supplement an 800-million-euro budget for handling refugee flows to Europe and establish two funds: one for Africa worth 1.8 billion euros and 500 million euros for Syria.
EC Vice President Frans Timmermans called for specific assistance at the 2-day summit starting on October 15.