EU, Germany, France suspend aid and cooperation with Niger

(VOVWORLD) - Germany on Monday announced its suspension of financial aid and cooperation with Niger following last week’s military coup that ousted President Mohamed Bazoum, adding that additional measures may be implemented.

EU, Germany, France suspend aid and cooperation with Niger  - ảnh 1General Abdourahamane Tchiani, the head of Niger's Presidential Guard since 2011, declared himself Niger’s new President. (Photo: REUTERS)

While there are currently no plans to evacuate citizens or soldiers from Niger, Germany is preparing for a potential escalation of tensions in the country, according to a spokesperson for the German foreign ministry.

In addition, the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development decided to halt its bilateral development cooperation with Niger.

The EU and France on Monday also suspended financial aid and security cooperation with Niger. The EU said in a statement that it will hold the coup leaders responsible for any attacks on civilians, diplomatic personnel, or embassies. 

France condemned the coup, and called for the restoration of constitutional order in Niger, urging the reinstatement of Mohamed Bazoum as President.

The military junta which took power through the coup has arrested numerous government officials, parliamentarians, political activists, military personnel, and security officials associated with the President Bazoum's government.

The Niger Party for Democracy and Socialism accused the coup faction of arresting its chairman and two officials who previously served as ministers in the government.

The junta that seized power in Niger last week detained senior politicians on Monday, and defied international calls to restore democratic rule. Fellow military rulers in West Africa expressed their support.

President Shad Mahamat Idriss Déby of Chad has arrived in Niger on a mission to negotiate with the coup faction. During his visit, President Déby met with President Bazoum, who is currently under house arrest in the presidential palace in Niamey, the capital of Niger. President Déby also held a meeting with General Abdourahamane Tchiani, the Chairman of the National Council for the Defense of the Fatherland, which was established by the coup.

Soldiers in Niger claimed to have removed President Mohamed Bazoum from power late on Wednesday, after members of the Presidential Guard detained him at his official residence. General Abdourahamane Tchiani, the head of Niger's Presidential Guard since 2011, declared himself Niger’s new President and warned against foreign military intervention, saying it would cause chaos in Niger.

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